Award winning Plain Clothes Productions, directed by founder member Matthew Zajac, brought their new play to the Young Vic Studio after a successful national tour. The story enacted a ‘grotesque’ fairy tale set in the strife torn Balkans. Writer Michael Buzworth's intent was to present a believable situation with underlying macabre ironies
High in the security of the mountain a conquering general unwisely gave his emotionally numbed daughter a bizarre birthday present. Storyteller, Omer was the last surviving refugee and he had the task of evoking and reanimating the monstrous child's emotions.
Omer's tale of a ravenous wolf activated emotions and experiences not only in the child but in himself. With confused delusions of fear and power received from her father she expressed paranoia resulting in an ‘ironic’ and tragic conclusion.
Fine ensemble work created a consistent narrative that did not quite attain the true horror in the tale. Unfortunately not helped by Emlyn Claid's simplistic choreographic staging