Acromatic is a triptych of solo serial shows, all beautifully produced, with excellent costumes (particularly the two Fidget Feet shows) and lighting design. Fidget Feet set Jym Darling's Solaris’ glittering gold costume against rich blues and reds. Chantal Daly's Can't Handle Me has an effectively restricted palette – red and white were used to chart the journey from sugary innocence to bloodied adolescence. Prop-wise, the latter's angst portrayal was enlightened by flying in a huge Tampon. Wired Aerial Theatre's Stuffed featured a wheelie-bin/toilet, complete with pink fluffy furnishings, a telling comic metaphor – particularly as the bungee allowed performer Hesketh to be vomited out of it, appropriate to her bulimic subject. All three used medium as metaphor, adding layers of meaning to the beauty and skill of their work. In the case of Solaris this was perhaps the least effective (though female prejudice may be at work here, as his piece was as male-centred as the other two were female). His antics were accompanied by rhyming rap, and while this was often witty, it equally often led to overstatement and was at times shackled to the rhyme rather than served by it. His habit of saying in words what he was also saying in gestures begs editing to highlight the strengths of the piece. But overall, it was a wonderful evening of theatre; heartfelt and humorous, with many surprises and visual treats, they risked their necks while making it look effortless, and above and despite all, flew for us.