Enter the Dragon Ladies is an evening comprising the Dragon Ladies' Grotesque Burlesque Revue and their new work The Macabre Melodrama of Lottie Bone. Between these two performances Kino Kulture showed a complete bore of a film. Even the gloriously shocking and unmerciful compere the Divine David could not alleviate the intense rage directed by the audience towards this hour-long juxtaposition of banal moving images.
That said, The Dragon Ladies' work remains compelling and highly original. Their new work is grim. There are still the Dragon Ladies signature marks: stunning and clever costumes with giant breasts and gaping vaginas; the eerie persistence of music box tunes; and direct, unwavering audience communication. The tragedy of Lottie and her keeper is a disturbing tale of sexual obsession. Unsettling and nightmarish, the performances of Marisa Carr and Adrian Jones evoke the stench and darkness of a Victorian city sewer. The Underworld Usherette (Heidi James) with her cheeky verbal sex play, and the Siamese Twins joined at the vagina (Alison Cocks and Garz Chan) provide black wit and disconcerting entertainment.
The Dragon Ladies continue to challenge their audience's understanding of the sinister side of sexual power. For this reason it is appropriate and clever that they took up residency at the Raymond Revue Bar in Soho. On the night I went the audience was full of middle-class educated thirty-somethings watching what was, at its basic level, a perversion of your average sex show. It was very 'avant-garde’ and could only happen in our postmodern age.