Controluce, Canto a Orfeo

Review in Issue 17-1 | Spring 2005

Based on the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, the story was told without text through image, movement, light and music. Melodramatic images were portrayed, danced, shadowed within the surrounding kaleidoscopic light forms, that were stunning, rich in colour and shape, and constantly moving. Unfortunately, many of the ideas were overplayed. The dancer made repetitive movements with no choreographic/dramaturgical sense, apparently to fill out the music. Some of the lighting effects were similarly repetitive, which reduced their impact considerably. The story was not always comprehensible, which was perhaps only a problem if you know the story! One audience member told me afterwards how deeply she had been moved, but it left me feeling empty.

Presenting Artists
Presenting Festival
Date Seen
  1. Oct 2004

This article in the magazine

Issue 17-1
p. 25