What did you see the first time you went to the theatre?
(CS) At four years old I saw the marionette theatre at Parc Montsour in Paris. (SW) A production of Major Barbara.
What recent performance has particularly inspired you?
(CS) The Government Inspector directed by Steven Wasson in Bologna. (SW) My own work with my company.
What productions will you never forget?
(Both) Wielepole, Wielepole by Tadeusz Kantor.
Which performer, alive or dead, makes you laugh the most?
(CS) Peter Sellers. (SW) The Marx Brothers.
Who is your favourite playwright?
(CS) Jean Tardieu. (SW) The poet Francis Brabazon.
When was the last time you cried during a performance?
(CS) Seeing Baryshnikov dance at Sadler's Wells. (SW) I never have.
Who is your favourite performer?
(CS) Steven Wasson. (SW) Corinne Soum.
If you could meet any theatre practitioner, alive or dead, who would it be?
(CS) Louis Jouvet. (SW) Orson Welles.
Which contemporary theatre director's work do you most admire?
(Both) Étienne Decroux.
What does the term ‘physical theatre' mean to you?
(CS) Simply the ability to be expressive with the body. (SW) All theatre is physical, just some a bit more so.
What would you do if you didn't work in theatre?
(CS) Write. (SW) Live in India.
If you could send one message to Chris Smith, what would it be?
(CS) I'd ask him if he's ever heard of the work of Étienne Decroux. (SW) Create a theatre expressly for mime.
What would you do with the Dome?
(CS) Transform it into a humanitarian centre for refugees and the homeless. (SW) Tum it into an efficient hospital.
Théâtre de l'Ange Fou perform Entangled Lives at Hoxton Hall from Friday 26 to Sunday 28 January at 8pm, as part of the London International Mime Festival. Contact the company by e-mail: company@angefou.co.uk, or visit www.angefou.co.uk